Conceptual Plan for Shuangluan Guancangling Resort

Chengde is a national historical and cultural city, the second batch of national tourism demonstration, and a national forest city. It used to be a royal hunting and summer resort.

The mission is to give a conceptual plan to a 45-square-kilometer valley region which extends to Jingchen Express in the south and Chengtang Express in the east.

The scope of the planning include regional land patching, tourism development positioning , key area functional area design, brand concept planning, etc.

The core planning strategies are as follows: 1. The core landscape first, the characteristic tour design highlights the mountain tourism characteristics; 2. The characteristic theme hotel is the engine, the mountain vacation house group is dispersed and concealed design; 3. The indigenous people are encouraged to participate in the co-construction, attractive activity design.

Based on the strategies above, various sightseeing nodes are included in the planning such as Beautiful Country Gateway, Mountain Resort Demonstration Area, Terraced Alpine Farm, Art Valley Park, Guancangling Animal Manor, Sports Discovery Park, and Livable Villa Cluster.

Location: Chengde, Hebei

Design stage: Scheme design 

Time: 2018.9

Total Area: 45 km2